”ととのうか、ととのわんか。” サウナコラボイベントを開催!

Sauna collaboration event held!

On May 12th, we hosted "Totonou ka, Totonowanka", a sauna collaboration event.

A collaboration between current Kindai University students and Kindai University alumni

At our sauna bar, we offered a special sauna "Aufguss" session by Tani, a thermal massager and student at Kindai University, as well as a special mapo ramen by Nishi, a student at Kindai University and representative of ramen restaurant "Susuka, Susuranka".


The luxurious feeling of heat waves in a private sauna!

First, a special sauna "Aufguss" session was held in the sauna by Kindai University student and heat wave master Tani. In addition, model Yuna also participated as a heat wave master, providing a luxurious heat wave experience in a private sauna. We hope everyone present experienced a perfect state of relaxation.


Special mapo ramen after sauna

After the sauna session, we enjoyed Nishi's special mapo ramen from "Sushika, Susuranka." Perfect for replenishing fluids and salt lost during the sauna, this spicy ramen packs a delightful punch and makes an ideal post-sauna meal.


Future 'Aufguss' events

This event was a great success and was well-received by our guests. We plan to host similar events in the future if there is demand from our customers. As soon as the date for the next event is set, we will announce it through this website and on social media.

We look forward to your continued participation.
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